Weekly Horoscopes: Aug. 26 - Sep. 1

Weekly Horoscopes: Aug. 26 - Sep. 1

Energy of the Week:

This week is about healing, transformation, and acceptance. There is a lot happening this week, and the main themes involve confronting your emotions wholeheartedly, accepting what has been, and finding healing within today. The week begins with Ceres going Direct in Capricorn after being Retrograde since May 15, and this is bringing a renewal in regards to feeling capable of nurturing and supporting your goals. We also have a Last Quarter Moon in Gemini on the same day, and the beginning of the week overall is a time to let go, reflect, forgive, and get re-inspired. On Aug. 28, Mercury finally goes Direct after being Retrograde since Aug. 5, and we can collectively take a deep breath right now. With Mercury Direct in Leo until Sep. 9, it's time to speak up for yourself, take up space, and not be afraid shine in your truths. On Sep. 1, Uranus in Taurus goes Retrograde until Jan. 30, 2025, and this is switching things up in love, financially, and regards to what you are building in your life. Be flexible and look forward to where positive changes can happen for you now. On Sep. 1, we also have Pluto Retrograde moving from Aquarius into Capricorn until going Direct on Oct. 11, and there is a lot to think about during this time in regards to your inner power, career goals and financial reality. Overall, this is a significant week of the year where you get a moment to pause, check-in, and reevaluate where you want life and your blessings to flow here.


Aug. 26: Ceres Direct in Capricorn

Last Quarter Moon in Gemini

Aug. 28: Mercury Direct in Leo

Sep. 1: Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn 




Message of the Week:

ARIES: This week you are being asked to choose peace over conflict, Aries. You have a lot going on right now and it’s not the time to let the little things get to you. Understand everyones motives around you, and focus on your own part and being the person you want to be right now, Aries.

TAURUS: This week is about breaking free from stagnation, being courageous, and getting moving on the things that are inspiring you right now, Taurus. You are in a great position to advocate for yourself, put yourself out there, and go after the things you want and you are making strides this week.

GEMINI: You are aligning with your personal power, and are moving into greater abundance this week, Gemini. This week is about owning the efforts you have put into your intentions, and letting more success and good fortune flow towards you by standing in your personal power, talents, and skills.

CANCER: Dreams are coming true for you, and this week is about soaking up the magic that is flowing in your life right now, Cancer. You have come to an important place this year where many of the things you have been hoping for, are finally coming to fruition. Honor gratitude, enjoy this love.

LEO: Mercury finally goes Direct after being Retrograde in your sign for the past few weeks, and you have learned a lot about yourself in the process. This week is about working on the things you want to develop in your life moving forward, and finding strength within patience and dedication, Leo.

VIRGO: This week is a letting go and a rebirth, Virgo. You are ready for a complete new chapter, and are in a space of renewing emotionally and in many different aspects of your life. There is a sense of believing in yourself more than ever, but also a need to focus more on yourself, your well-being, and peace.

LIBRA: You are in balance and in-tune with your emotional and physical world right now, Libra. What’s done is done, and what is to be is exciting. You have gotten to a place in your life where you have decided that nothing is going to take you out of alignment or away from yourself and your center.

SCORPIO: This week has all the potential to be a beautiful experience for you, Scorpio. It’s about coming together with others right now, and working with people who get your vision to create something wonderful. Get creative and think about what unique perspective and gifts you want to share.

SAGITTARIUS: This is a week of opportunity and direction for you, Sagittarius. You are ready to embark on a new adventure, and you are feeling happy and content about where this life is taking you. New doors are opening through your self-confidence and charisma, and you are moving forward.

CAPRICORN: There is a lot to think about and get in order this week, Capricorn. You are being reminded of the stresses that can come from putting things on the back-burner for too long, and you are taking care of some necessities this week. Financially, it’s time for a renewal and a rebalancing.

AQUARIUS: Trust your divine intuition, Aquarius. You are seeing things clearly and your heart has been trying to tell you something. This week is an opportunity to pause, take a breath, and reassess your situation, and you are aligning with your truth. Be sure of yourself, and don’t doubt what you know.

PISCES: This week is about not letting yourself overthink out of a good thing, Pisces. Ask yourself if your fear is guiding you right now or your love, and then choose wisely. There are so many opportunities here for you in life and moving forward, and it’s time to trust yourself and the universe right now.


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