Monthly Horoscopes: May 2023

Monthly Horoscopes: May 2023

Message of the Month: 

ARIES:  Miracles are occurring for you in May, Aries. This is a month to rise up, be brave, and take a leap of faith. There are divine experiences here for you, and you are feeling the connection, peace, and spiritual insight in your life. Be you, freely.
TAURUS:  Happy Birthday, beautiful Taurus! May is here, and this is a month of passion, perspective, and wisdom. You are moving forward and healing from the past, and are ready to let go of what was. There is a renewed sense of personal freedom for you in May.
GEMINI: This is a month of transcendence, Gemini. You are coming into alignment with your divine potential and all that is, and May is helping things come into balance for you. You are rising up and life is elevating this month. Your power is within.

CANCER: May is all about being present, Cancer. Take out time this month to just be in the moment, and be more aware of your surroundings and how you are feeling within. You are awakening to some new truths and perspectives this month, and all is well.

LEO: May is all about recalling your power, Leo. You are thinking a lot about the future and your next steps ahead, and you are being reminded to stay present and breathe. You don't have to be different to be worthy, empower yourself today, and break free.

VIRGO: There are things coming together, and there are things that are being let go of, this month, Virgo. You are moving through some significant transitions in May, but they are empowering you and bringing in happiness. You are ready, Virgo.
LIBRA: You are uncovering some mysteries and secrets this month, and are getting a chance at clarity, Libra. New doors open for you as perspectives do, and it's up to you to decide which ones to walk through. Trust your gut instincts, and trust yourself, Libra.
SCORPIO:  This is your month to shine, Scorpio. Love is flowing your way, there is a spotlight on you, and you are being guided to express yourself and shine your light. There is support surrounding your personal growth, and this is an exciting and heartfelt time.
SAGITTARIUS: Things are moving fast for you in May, and you are making things happen, Sag. This is a month of feeling safe, protected, and in tune, and of removing challenges and roadblocks that you have been moving through. Divine intervention is coming in.
CAPRICORN:  This month is all about getting grounded, Capricorn. Go at your own pace, and focus on laying the foundations that are needed in your life right now. Your strength is showing through, and you are creating more security in your life in May.
AQUARIUS: You are shining through, and living with grace in May, Aquarius. This is a month of honoring your unique self and your real emotions, and allowing yourself to open up to others more. You deserve to be seen, don't doubt yourself anymore, Aquarius.
PISCES:  This is a breakthrough month for you, Pisces. Unconditional love and support are in your life, and you are feeling a sense of serenity. Your happiness is contagious and this is a good month to connect, have fun, and live in the heart-space freely.
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