Weekly Horoscope for Love: Feb. 10 - Feb. 16

Weekly Horoscope for Love: Feb. 10 - Feb. 16

Energy of the Week:

This week is about dedication, reward, and perspective. The week begins with a Full Moon in Leo on Feb. 12, which is the Snow Moon of the year. This Full Moon is bringing things to a head, especially in matters in love and also regarding your personal power and letting go of what doesn't feel authentic to you. On Valentine's Day this year Mercury enters Pisces, and this is the perfect time for dreamy and romantic energy to bloom. Mercury in Pisces sees things with an open and compassionate perspective, and wants to communicate in order to connect and to understand. Before the week ends Pallas enters Aquarius, and this is bringing innovation, community, and progression. Overall, this is a week of fulfillment, clarity, and owning your happiness in love. 

Feb. 12: Full Moon in Leo

Feb. 14: Mercury enters Pisces

Feb. 16: Pallas enters Aquarius


Message of the Week for Love:

ARIES: Love this week is about figuring out exactly what you want and not settling for anything less than that, Aries. It’s time to put the work into the things you want by clearly defining what that is, creating boundaries from what doesn’t align with that, and opening new doors to what does. Your heart is learning a lot this week, Aries.

TAURUS: This week is an opportunity and a new beginning for you in love, Taurus. There is a new perspective that has been born in your life, and this new perspective is allowing you to experience more abundance and fruitfulness in love. Gifts are coming your way, and you are recognizing the magic you deserve in love.

GEMINI: This is a beautiful week of life coming full circle, and you feeling supported and loved amidst the culminations you are moving through right now, Gemini. The things you have been intending for in love are appearing for you now, and there is a sense of more ease and less challenge in this area of your life. Find gratitude.

CANCER: Love for you this week is about not overthinking things, Cancer. Don’t try to control how things are playing out for you in your relationships, and trust that your past efforts and intentions will still be received well today. You have to be careful with getting ahead of yourself and not enjoying the present moment of love more.

LEO: This week is about keeping your options open and having some more fun in love, Leo. Your heart is excited about what is presenting itself to you now, and you are figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s all about trying new things, being open to love, and allowing yourself to go with the flow more here.

VIRGO: You are feeling in tune with your emotional world, and your love life is reflecting this inner balance, Virgo. This is a week of giving and receiving in love, and feeling a sense of peace and happiness in your life. You are in the midst of change in love, but you are prepared and excited about what is to come here. Let love bloom.

LIBRA: This week is bringing some changes to love, some which may feel a little unexpected right now, Libra. This is a time for drastic moves being made in love and a shift of perspective being gained because of it. Remember that what is falling from your life doesn’t deserve your time, and to focus your love on yourself.

SCORPIO: Your heart is open and being received with love and romance, Scorpio. This is a week of feeling the connection and support in your life, which is a space you thrive in. There is a confidence within you that is shining, and your heart is a magnet to love and success. This week is all about love coming your way, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS: This is a karmic week for you in love and the scales are coming into balance, Sagittarius. Where things were going wrong for you in the past in love- they are turning around for you for the better, and you are feeling a sense of justice in your life this week. This is a time of feeling like you are being respected the way you need.

CAPRICORN: Love for you this week is about protecting your energy and your boundaries, Capricorn. You have the right perspective on relationship matters and need to trust your gut instincts right now. Honor what feels right for you and let go of what doesn’t this week. You have made so much progress that you don’t want to lose.

AQUARIUS: Love comes together for you in an abundant and supportive way this week, Aquarius. You have love all around you, and there are people who have your back no matter what. You have some pleasant surprises in store for you when it comes to love this week, and you are feeling a stability and security here right now.

PISCES: This week is a new beginning in love and things are getting exciting for you here, Pisces. Your intentions are manifesting for you and you are following your bliss. Romantic matters are all about moving forward and beginning anew, and the power is in your hands in how this all unfolds for you. Have fun this week, Pisces.

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