Message of the Week:
ARIES: This week is all about claiming your power and releasing any negativity from your life that has been pulling you into a place you don't want to be. You are seeking mental renewal, and are looking at things from within. There are opportunities for healing and clarity this week, Aries.
TAURUS: This is a time of self-reflection and self-empowerment, Taurus. You are shining within your multidimensional self, and this week is about owning your different skills and talents in life. Let things come together this week without trying to define so much. Be free, Taurus.
You are connecting to the precious moments of life this week, Gemini. You have found abundance within love and grace, and you are enjoying some sweet victories this week. This is a time of faith, acceptance, and focusing on the gifts that are unfolding for you right now. Enjoy this.
CANCER: You are connecting to the inner warrior within you this week, Cancer. This week is all about finding solutions in your life and allowing your manifestations to unfold. The past, present, and future have come around again, and a new cycle for you begins. Success is yours, Cancer.
LEO: You are moving through an awakening this week, Leo. This is a time of being moved by the delights, pleasures, and mysteries of life, and allowing yourself to live in the moment to enjoy it all. Your heart is yearning for experience this week, explore the world around you, Leo.
VIRGO: This week is all about balance, communication, and receptivity, Virgo. Speak your truth, and you will find that more clarity becomes prevalent. There are new beginnings being offered to you, and the intuitive insights are flowing this week. This is a time of revelation for you, Virgo.
This is a powerful week of transformation, Libra. What no longer serves, can no longer stay, and divine intervention is flowing through this week. Through the clarity you are receiving right now, you can close one chapter of life, and create a new one. Something new is being born.
This week is about letting go of limiting beliefs or perspectives that haven't been serving and connecting to the truth of your soul. Let go of any excess, and don't miss the details right now, Scorpio. You are the creator of your story, and you are turning things around this week.
You are connecting to your power of healing this week, Sagittarius. New beginnings are emerging for you right now, and they are coming through from your strength in forgiveness, trust, and letting go. If life is feeling all over the place, give yourself a moment to rest and let all be.
You are crossing the threshold to your beautiful new beginnings this week, Capricorn. Life is coming full circle, and some positive culminations and new chapters unfolding for you right now. Have the courage to continue to take the steps forward, and show up this week.
This week is all about divine timing, and the gifts that are unfolding because of it, Aquarius. You have shown yourself immense strength, and the truth of your empowerment and clarity is being seen. The mountains you have climbed are giving you a good view right now.
This is a week of allowing yourself to be seen, and claiming your power as the divine creator of your reality. Your inner magic is shining this week, Pisces, and as Mercury moves into your sign on the 9th, you are making your voice heard. This week is about grace and courage, Pisces.
Energy of the Week:
This week is all about having patience with what you are manifesting right now, and dreaming the dream. Mercury moves into Pisces this week on March 9 where it will remain until March 27, and we are entering a time of creativity, intuitive insights, and delving into a little fantasy. Mercury in Pisces takes a mystical approach, and everything is dashed in a little mystery and magic right now. Get a dream journal, and pay attention to the intuitive messages you are receiving this week.
March 9: Mercury enters Pisces