Message of the Week:
Wishes are coming true for you this week, Aries! This week is all about setting your sights on the horizon, and remaining optimistic with what is presenting itself to you this week. This is your time to make a wish, believe in your power as a creator in life, and let yourself shine. Everything is coming full circle, Aries.
This week is a time grounding your energy, Taurus. You are seeing some completions in your life at this time, and it's giving you room to grow and connect with your support systems. Listen to your intuition, and take note of the messages your body is sending you right now. This week is about regrouping.
This week is all about letting go, Gemini. You are in a time of going over the past and reexamining what has occurred. This energy can be beneficial, but you want to make sure you aren't looking at the past with rose colored glasses and your present with doubt. Everything has its time, choose yours.
You are not stuck, and there is a way out of this, Cancer. This week is a time of gaining clarity, and tapping into your freedom. Restrictions are being highlighted in your life this week so you can get to the bottom of what is working for you, and what has been draining your energy. You are getting the full picture.
This week is about remaining patient with what is coming to fruition for you right now, Leo. You have climbed some mountains and are looking to claim so new blessings, but some more time is needed right now. Don't force things this week. Go at your own pace and focus on allowing things to come to you.
This week is a time of healing, understanding your emotional world, and trusting your intuition, Virgo. Take some time this week to nurture your world, the cycles of your life, and what you are creating for yourself. Remember that rest gives you the opportunity to be at your best, and to make the time to do so.
This week is all about balance, Libra. There are plenty of opportunties for love, abundance, and support this week, but you want to make sure you are giving yourself plenty of alone time to recoup as well. Your heart is opening to some happy experiences this week, and you are feeling at peace, Libra.
This week is a time to speak your mind and be confident in your knowing, Scorpio. Enlightenment is flowing through your world this week, and you are seeing things clearly right now. This week is all about evolving onto new journeys, following through on some new ideas, and remaining inspired, Scorpio.
You are walking into new territory this week, Sagittarius. This week is all about a fresh start and about putting an extra pep in your step. Get started on those projects you have been looking to begin, and know that one step each day is all you need right now. You are ready for some new adventures this week, Sag.
You are being reminded that it doesn't matter what you have or what titles you hold, you will always be worthy, Capricorn. This week is about giving yourself some extra TLC, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and uncover what you have been feeling. This week is a moment to check-in, and give love.
This week is a time of love and partnerships for you, Aquarius. Connections are being made, commitments are growing stronger, and there is love in your world to enjoy right now. Life has been unfolding for you in so many different ways, and this week is an opportunity to have fun and let your heart lead.
This week is about finding your balance in your relationships, Pisces. Through some of the challenges you have been facing with others, you have made room in your life for new connections and opportunities to be had. Continue to put your intentions and dreams out there, and trust your heart, Pisces.
Energy of the Week:
This week is all about trusting your intuition. Scorpio Season begins this week, and we are moving into an empowering and magical time. Scorpio Season is all about transformation, and with Venus also entering Scorpio this week, relationships are evolving in a new direction right now. Saturn also makes its transit back Direct after being Retrograde for the past few months, and there are less challenges in the way toward feeling connected, sustained, and inspired right now. This week is a time to take note of the magic blooming in your life, and to create more of it for yourself and others.
Oct. 17: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer
Oct. 23: Saturn Direct in Aquarius
Venus enters Scorpio
Scorpio Season begins
Juno Direct in Pisces