Energy of the Week:
This week is about patience, intuition, and communication. The week begins with a First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, and it's about finding your balance between what is leaving your life and what is becoming. Listen to your intuition, trust your heart, and do what is best for you right now. Mid-week, Mercury Retrograde makes its switch from Virgo into Leo, and with Mercury Retro in Leo until Aug. 28, the next few weeks are about having more patience within communication, your personal goals, your courage, and your passions. Be confident in what you know, but don't force a vision if someones not ready to see it. Overall, this week is a chance to get clear on past, present, and future.
Aug. 12: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio
Aug. 14: Mercury Retrograde enters Leo
Message of the Week:
ARIES: This is a transformative week for you, Aries. Plans are changing and perspectives are shifting, find your ground by knowing this change is for the better. Remember Mercury is Retro right now and it’s not the time to rush or force anything that isn’t ready to become. Honor your strength.
TAURUS: Love is aligning and magic is blooming, Taurus. This week is a week of connection, fruition, and harmony. You are flowing well with the energy of the week and you are seeing some of your heart’s wishes come true. Find your balance with everything you have going on, and love yours.
GEMINI: This week is about feeling the reciprocity in your life and a sense of renewed liveliness, Gemini. Financially, you are experiencing growth from past investments and moves made, and you are seeing where your values and intentions have created abundance in your life. Live in gratitude.
CANCER: Honor your strength this week and listen to what your heart has been telling you, Cancer. You are emotionally opening up to a new beginning right now, but there is a sense of still working through some challenges from the past as well. Know that you can still love and enjoy life while healing.
LEO: This week is about being the leader of your life and being confident in yourself and what you know, Leo. Things are lining up for you to live your best life, and it’s all about seeing the bigger picture right now. Honor your passions, gain some new guidance, and remember your power, Leo.
VIRGO: This is an exciting and optimistic week for you, Virgo. You are seeing some of your intentions come to fruition, and are in a powerful place of manifestation. Get excited about where your heart and inspiration are taking you now, and expect the very best for yourself. You are making progress.
LIBRA: Your guidance for the week is to not self-sabotage the love you deserve, Libra. Look at what relationships and commitments have been working out for you and flowing well in your life, and remember your love is stronger than your fear. Don’t overthink things too much this week.
SCORPIO: This week is a full circle experience for you, Scorpio. You have everything you need, and you are feeling the success, gratitude and fulfillment in your life. Continue to move forward with hope and optimism and know things are going to continue to get better for you through your faith in it all.
SAGITTARIUS: Things are coming into greater balance for you, but this shift may make things feel a little shaky for the time being. This week is about remaining hopeful about the new journeys you are embarking on right now, and about giving love a chance. Trust your instincts, show up, and live your truth.
CAPRICORN: This week is a big healing moment for you, Capricorn. A lot is kind of happening for you at once right now, and you are recognizing some truths you may have missed. Trust that what is meant for you will be there for you, and what is not, you will be protected from. Focus on what you need to heal.
AQUARIUS: Remain patient with what you are bringing forth in your life, and remember your value does not equate to what you have or what you can do for others, Aquarius. You have been working hard on bringing your goals to fruition, but right now you may need more trust and rest, and less effort.
PISCES: A beautiful sense of abundance is becoming for you, and you are in awe of how life has unfolded for you, Pisces. This week is bringing things full circle, and the culminations you are seeing now give you a deep sense of fulfillment. You are looking at your life with peace, gratitude, and happiness.
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