Message of the Week:
Aries, this week is a stepping stone week for you. The work you have been doing, and the growth your heart has been through is creation evolutionary circumstances for you this week. Remember that when you live from the heart, anything is possible for you. Believe in the love that is blooming for you.
Love is flowing through your world as passion is ignited this week, Taurus. This is a week of connecting to the hope that is in the air for you right now, and growing closer to another. Soulmates do exist, and they come in many forms. Ponder on who feels like a soul connection for you and trust your intuition.
This is a spicy week for you, Gemini. You are getting to the bottom of your heart's desires, and something is awakening within you right now. Remember that it is okay to be vulnerable, and opening up this energy in your life can do wonders for you this week. Let life inspire your curious soul.
You are moving through a spiritual awakening this week, Cancer. This is a week of enjoying your personal bliss, and letting the universe work its magic. When you trust in yourself and that you are worthy of the best, you can allow this energy to greet you. Open up to receive a blessing this week, Cancer.
This is a week of transformation and enlightenment, Leo. You have been developing your connection to your intuition, and the messages are clear this week. Remember that you are a powerful soul and you get to decide what is worth your time and energy, and what is not. Protect your space and peace, Leo.
Nurture your heart and your world, Virgo. This is a week of giving yourself and your body, everything it is asking for at this time. Take more time to rest, replenish, and give yourself a much needed break this week. Nothing is out of your hands, your heart is healing, and you are loved through every phase.
LIBRA: This week is a time of embracing love, connection, and emotional renewal, Libra. There is a sense of going through a time of healing and deep awareness of what your heart needs and what it has or hasn't been getting. Life is cyclic and this too shall pass. Give yourself as much grace and time as you need.
You are moving on up, Scorpio. This week is all about being the Phoenix Rising that you are, and reaching new heights in life. You have let your heart lead the way, and your courage has followed, and there is a lot of joy in your life to embrace this week. This is only the beginning, and great things are ahead.
The inspiration, passion, and excitement are there for you this week, Sagittarius. Your heart's true desires are manifesting into your reality, and you get to decide where you go from here and what you do with what's been shown to you. You are a firecracker, and light the way forward for so many others, Sag.
This is a week of honoring your peace, and your peace of mind, Capricorn. Your guidance is to do the things that make you feel good, and to honor your wellbeing and your body. Clear the past, get rid of anything holding you back, and do what needs to be done to feel like your healthy, beautiful self, Capricorn.
This is a growth week for you, Aquarius. Many things are coming together for you this week and your heart is feeling good about where life is headed. This is the week to connect the dots, trust the guidance from your higher self, and open your heart to love's magic. You are an enlightened soul.
This week is a time of reflection, Pisces. You are spending the time looking at the different patterns and experiences you have been through, and making sense of what this means for your heart. Release what hasn't been working, and congratulate yourself on what has. You deserve some emotional renewal.
Energy of the Week:
This week is about connection, growth, and opening the heart. One of the most significant transits of 2022 happens this week, which is Mars entering Gemini. Mars will be in Gemini from August 20, 2022 until March 25, 2023, and will be in Retrograde from October 30 - January 12, 2023. Mars in Gemini is active, curious, and open-minded, however, this energy can get a bit chaotic. We are entering a new journey this week, and one that requires us to balance both head and heart. When you feel like life is getting ahead of you, count your breath, retrace your steps, and remember your center. Connecting to those who make you feel at ease and at peace is essential, and this week is all about embracing the possibilities.
Aug. 19: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
Aug. 20: Mars enters Gemini
Aug. 21: Vesta Retrograde enters Aquarius
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