Weekly Horoscopes: Aug. 5 - Aug. 11

Weekly Horoscopes: Aug. 5 - Aug. 11

Energy of the Week:

This week is about letting go, valuing your energy, and creating space for abundance. The week starts off with Mercury going Retrograde in Virgo until Aug. 14 when it moves into Leo. While Mercury Retrograde is in Virgo, the energy may feel a little bit off. Mercury is going to be highlighting any communication issues apparent during this transit, but since Virgo is also involved, a lot of this miscommunication and confusion could also be coming through in health and working matters. By the end of the week, Juno enters Libra, and this is beautiful energy for love. Juno in Libra is going to be bringing more balance into partnership matters, and showing the world how beautiful love can really get. 


Aug. 5: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Aug. 9: Juno enters Libra



Message of the Week:

ARIES: Patience, patience, patience, Aries! You have the right idea and you are in the right place, but all great things take some time. Find your strength, look at the full picture, and remind yourself how far you have come. You are building something big for yourself, and not everyone’s gonna get it.

TAURUS: This is a big week for you, Taurus. You are in a good place and have the right support around you to really take off from here. You have built this legacy and accomplishment for yourself, and you deserve to be recognized for it. Trust your intuition right now, and own where you are, Taurus.

GEMINI: Things are moving forward quickly for you this week, Gemini. You have a lot to get done and it’s about being flexible with where life is taking you right now. Be prepared for change this week, but also prepare for the intentions you have been working on to come into full bloom for you now.

CANCER: This week is about taking a step back and getting some time for yourself, your mind, and your heart, Cancer. You have been through a lot recently and you need time to think about it all. Don’t let anyone influence your opinion on how you are feeling right now, and gain some more renewal.

LEO: This week is the beginning of something new for you in love, and you are feeling the support, compassion, and appreciation in your life right now, Leo. You are in a peaceful place in your life and are attracting to you the good energy you are putting out. You are just getting started, Leo.

VIRGO: This week is about not being afraid to take risks toward your goals, and living in your truth, Virgo. You have a fresh start ahead of you, and you have the energy within you to make things happen this week. You are focused on your joy and happiness and are ready to be more spontaneous right now.

LIBRA: You are growing right now, Libra. There has been a lot on your plate and a lot to take care of, and you are being reminded that you are stronger than you know. You have set things up in your life for future success and have been patiently waiting for the outcomes. Trust they will come.

SCORPIO: This week is all about feeling stable, secure, and emotionally fulfilled, Scorpio. You have been building a life for yourself and have a lot to be grateful for in the present, and a lot to look forward to in the future. Water the seeds you have planted and nurture your world, you deserve to feel safe.

SAGITTARIUS: This week is about reminding yourself how worthy you are, Sagittarius. Don’t settle for anything you don’t truly want for yourself, and look at yourself with the loving and supportive eyes you would want someone to look at you with. You are thinking a lot about finances this week and sorting this out.

CAPRICORN: No one and nothing can get in the way of your peace right now, Capricorn. You have found a good balance and are at a good place in your life, and you are feeling secure, stable, and in tune. Remember to also have some more fun right now and to make the most of where life is today.

AQUARIUS: This week is bringing things to fruition for you financially, Aquarius. You are coming out of an uncomfortable place here, and there are less shaky waters towards your manifestations. There is a sense of feeling more clear-headed right now and you are entering more success.

PISCES: You have been working on walking away from something emotionally heavy lately, and you are still in this space of contemplation, healing, and moving forward Pisces. It’s time to be a little more selfish with your time and energy, and fill up your own cup right now. It’s time to let go of the past.



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