Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 16 - Jan. 22

Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 16 - Jan. 22

Message of the Week: 

ARIES Don't give up, Aries. You are embarking on a new mission this week and are supported as you move forward. Remember your light through the times when it feels like more darkness surrounds you, and know that things are getting better for you. Divine order is coming into play, let things to fall into place.
TAURUS: This is a week of clarity for you, Taurus. You are being reminded of the support systems in your life, and where you feel that sense of safety and nurturing. Spend more time in your safe spaces, write lists of gratitude, and bring your focus back to the present moment. You are safe to take care of your world.
GEMINI:  This is a week of opportunity and empowerment for you, Gemini. Mars in Gemini is officially Direct, and your ruling planet Mercury goes Direct this week as well. You are moving out of Retrograde energy and claiming your blessings. Be courageous with the doors that are opening for you right now, Gemini.
CANCER:  This week is all about taking action on your dreams and goals in life, Cancer. Ground your energy, focus on your vision, and take the necessary steps to meet the universe halfway. Your power of attraction is strong right now, and this week is a time to take those first steps and get things going. You are ready, Cancer.
LEO:  You are rising above, and living in your peace, Leo. This week is a time of miracles, lifted obstacles, and divine connections. You have made space in your life and cleared the way for more positive energy and love to enter, and it has served your soul well. This week is a time of living in your authentic truth, Leo.
VIRGO: You are moving through a portal of progress, rebirth, and divine clarity this week, Virgo. This is a week of being pleasantly surprised, and a time when life is reflecting to you the magic that is within. Envision how you want things to go for you right now and trust that it is already so. You are made of stars, Virgo.
LIBRA:  This week is about reminding yourself how worthy you are of all the good things, Libra. You are being recognized as the powerful and beautiful being you are, and you are transcending difficulties. This is a week of letting go of the past, and focusing on what you can create now. You are the leader of your life.
SCORPIO: Recall your power, Scorpio. This week is bringing with it circumstances that bring you back to your center. You are moving on and moving up, and you are opening your mind to a new understanding of life. Look out for those light bulb moments, and trust your inner guidance system right now.
SAGITTARIUS:  This week is all about letting go of the past, learning lessons, and understanding the divine cycles of life. You are experiencing closures this week that are necessary before the new beginnings can take place. Emotional baggage is being lifted off your shoulders, and you are ready for change, Sag.
CAPRICORN:  Everything is coming together for you, Capricorn, trust it. Resolutions are coming into your life and you are flowing in harmony with what surrounds you. You are in a space of creating your own heaven on earth and finding beauty in the little things. Communicate your vision, and allow blessings.
AQUARIUS:  This week is about doing what makes you happy and creating breakthroughs in your life, Aquarius. You are ready to let go of what's been holding you back from your self-empowerment, and you are protecting your energy. Know that at the end of the day, your truth will always shine through any facade.
PISCES:  You are walking new paths this week, Pisces. Trust the journey you are on right now and know that you are laying the necessary foundations for your dreams to flourish. Find your strength, ground your energy, and create a plan. This is your time of finding a new sense of security and trust in life, Pisces.

Energy of the Week:

This week is about creating a new plan forward. With all the activity happening this week, things are definitely changing, but they are changing for the better. The week begins with Mercury moving out of Retrograde, and going Direct. Mercury Direct in Capricorn brings in clarity, abundance, and a clear vision on the necessary plans and execution needed to fulfill your goals. Aquarius Season begins on Jan. 20, and Aquarius is a visionary soul, bringing in a good balance of hope and logic to the world. There is a New Moon in Aquarius happening the next day, and this New Moon is a powerful time to set your intentions and manifest! Before the week comes to a close, Uranus goes Direct in Taurus after being in Retrograde since August 2022, and there are less disruptions and upheaval on the path toward partnership and stability.


Jan. 18: Mercury Direct in Capricorn

Jan. 20: Aquarius Season begins

Jan. 21: New Moon in Aquarius

Jan. 22: Uranus Direct in Taurus


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