Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 20 - Jan. 26

Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 20 - Jan. 26

Energy of the Week:

This week is about compassion, protecting your energy, and letting go. Timing is everything this week, and it's about trusting yours right now. Aquarius Season is officially here, and we are moving through this time in the thick of Mars Retrograde. The guidance for the week is to not rush and to take the time to get clear on the things you want and the things you want to let go of. This week is a reminder on how important it is to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health, and the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio on the 21st will be helping create that new beginning. Ask your heart where you want to create a new beginning in your life right now.

Jan. 21: Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio


Message of the Week:

ARIES: This week is a push in a new direction, Aries. You are seeing things a little more clearly right now and cutting through the doubts of the past. The inner clarity you have found is putting you into new energy and better positions in your life, and you are free to be. Trust where you are feeling a level up in your life right now.

TAURUS: This is a major week for closure and leaving the past behind for good, Taurus. You are moving into a space of completion, wholeness, and freedom, but there are some losses you are still healing from in the process. Trust the universe to guide you through this time, and know that there are people rooting for you right now.

GEMINI: This week is a new beginning and you have your eyes set high, Gemini. You are taking leaps of faith right now that will serve you well, but make sure you are being flexible and open-minded in the process. The intentions you set are the ones that will create the energy you move into, get clear on where you want to be.

CANCER: You are entering a time of moving on and moving forward, Cancer. You are taking what you need and leaving the rest behind, choosing your heart, your passion, and your purpose. This week is about defining what you want to be created from the losses you have been through, and trusting your gut instincts.

LEO: This week is about reminding yourself that you are good enough, Leo. Disagreements or challenges within relationships are an eye-opener for you on what you need to let go of or see with a new perspective. It’s about honoring community, cooperation, and your integrity right now, and moving in a new direction.

VIRGO: This week is a coming together of love, support, and compassion, Virgo. Your cup is full and you are connecting to the inner child within you that wants nothing more than to live in joy. You are seeing some culminations in your life that are lighting your heart up, and you are recognizing that you are not alone.

LIBRA: This week you are in your feels and enjoying where life is, Libra. You have come a long way and you are in the space now where you can look at the past with eyes of gratitude while honoring the gifts of where you are now. This is a week of connecting with your family or chosen loved ones, and getting grounded, Libra.

SCORPIO: Your heart is open and you are receiving blessings because of this, Scorpio. This is a week of positive recognition, relationship development, and love. You are feeling more compassion for yourself and this is creating a good reciprocity in your life. There is power in love, and you are owning yours right now.

SAGITTARIUS: This is a week of following your happiness and feeling confident in yourself, Sagittarius. Everything is coming together exactly as you hoped it would, and there are a lot of positive experiences ahead of you right now. This week is about having fun, believing in the impossible, and choosing to lead yourself forward.

CAPRICORN: This week is a reminder that the power has always been in your hands, Capricorn. You are feeling a burst of energy as the experiences you are having are nudging you towards a new direction. This week is about focusing on what it is you are manifesting in your life right now, and taking more control here.

AQUARIUS: This is a quiet week for you Aquarius, and you need space to process. You have recently made some new discoveries in your life, and the surprises you have encountered have left you in a space of needing to regroup. This week is about gaining clarity, following your internal guidance system, and trusting yourself.

PISCES: You are in a space of stability, support, and abundance, and you have everything you need around you right now, Pisces. Life has come full circle and you are recognizing the successes you have encountered along the way. This week is about enjoying the fruits of your labor, and treating yourself or your loved ones.

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