Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 27 - Feb. 2

Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 27 - Feb. 2

Energy of the Week:

This week is about partnership, love, and dreams. This week is the energy we need to move forward and feel more hopeful about the year. The week begins with Mercury entering Aquarius and the mood takes on a lighter tone. With Mercury in Aquarius, innovation is high, networking is key, and communication channels are colored with more humor and connection. Mid-week we have the first New Moon of the year, making this one of the best times to set your intentions for the year ahead. Uranus goes Direct in Taurus before the week ends, and this energy is bringing more stability, fun, and progression regarding relationships and finances. Overall, this week is an opportunity to let it go, and focus on the here and now.


Jan. 27: Mercury enters Aquarius

Jan. 29: New Moon in Aquarius

Jan. 30: Uranus Direct in Taurus 


Message of the Week:

ARIES: You are living in your power, Aries. This is a week of fruition and success, as you own what you have work toward in life. You are in a better position than you have been and there is a new sense of stability coming into your life right now. This week is about enjoying the fruits of your labor and planting new seeds.

TAURUS: This week is all about the give and take in your life, and you are feeling in balance here, Taurus. You are feeling secure with where you are putting time and energy, and what you are receiving back from it. This is a week of letting abundance flow towards you, and being sure of yourself and the things you are doing right now.

GEMINI: This week is an emotionally fulfilling time for you, Gemini. You are in synergy with what was, what is, and what is to be, and you are recognizing that the power is in your hands when it comes to how it all unfolds for you. Remember what it’s taken to get here, and don’t look back. Focus on what you are investing in right now.

CANCER: This week is all about communication, Cancer. Be prepared to speak up on the things that feel right for you and the ideas you need to get across. Use your passion for the truth to give you courage and make sure you are paying attention to your gut instincts. This week is opening you up to a new perspective, Cancer.

LEO: This week is getting you excited about future adventures, Leo. You are making concrete plans and putting things into motion in order to see your dreams through. Remember that things take time, but you have the right idea about where things are headed for you right now. Try something new this week, Leo!

VIRGO: You are moving into the energy of victory, success, and support, Virgo. You have come a long way and have been on your own unique journey, moving yourself forward. This week is a reminder that you are loved a long the way, and that you deserve the opportunities, recognition, and celebrations that you are here for you.

LIBRA: This week is reminding you how strong your intuition is, Libra. Things you once had an inkling about are coming around for you again, and the truth is hard to miss. Take note on how things are unfolding for you this week and who is by your side through it all. Divine clarity is here for you right now, and this is empowering, Libra.

SCORPIO: This week the focus is on love, Scorpio. You are emotionally feeling a sense of stability in your life and you are overall feeling like yourself again. The emotional rejuvenation you have been through is serving your relationships well, and you are being seen as the supportive, loving, being that you are, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time for some extra rest right now, Sag. This week is about listening to your body more and doing the things that put you at ease. Go to the spa, treat yourself to a “you day” or take more time in the morning waking up. There is a sense of grounding needed right now before things start picking up for you this year, Sagittarius.

CAPRICORN: Dreams are coming true, and you have everything you need, Capricorn. This week is about seeing intentions manifest and feeling happy and content about how it is all unfolding for you. Good things can happen effortlessly, and that is something you are working on acknowledging and owning this year.

AQUARIUS: This is a week of closure and turning the page to something new, Aquarius. You are leaving the past behind and are no longer looking back in concern with the choices you have made. With a New Moon in your sign this week, it’s all about you, your vision, and your destiny. Make sure you are the one leading it.

PISCES: This week is a reminder to take things one day at a time right now, Pisces. Clarity is coming in, but it may not be what you were hoping for. Remember that anything can change at any moment, and that you are not stuck where you are. Let things go where you can, and remember growth is still possible for you right now.

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