Weekly Horoscopes: Jul. 22 - Jul. 28

Weekly Horoscopes: Jul. 22 - Jul. 28

Energy of the Week:

This week is about passion, relationships, and courage. The energy changes drastically this week as we move out of Cancer Season and into Leo Season at the start of the week on July 22nd. Leo Season is always a more passionate and active time of the year, and it's about showing yourself some more love right now, having confidence, and being a little extra generous with others. Mercury enters Virgo mid-week, and this is exactly the energy we need to prepare before Mercury goes Retrograde in a few weeks. Mercury is Virgo's planetary ruler and these two go together well. It's all about the details, getting organized, and seeing new ways in which you can help another. Chiron goes Retrograde in Aries the following day, allowing healing to take place in regards to your personal journey, passion, and overall direction in life. Before the week ends we have a Last Quarter Moon in Taurus, and this is a good time to reflect on your spending, personal finances and sense of abundance, and prepare for where you want things to go from here. Overall, there is a lot happening this week but it's all changing things for the better.


Jul. 22: Leo Season Begins

Jul. 25: Mercury enters Virgo

Jul. 26: Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Jul. 27: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus



Message of the Week:

ARIES: What you are walking away from is making you stronger than you were before, Aries. You are taking the necessary steps and following the path that holds true to your heart this week. There is a sense of feeling a little bit more in the unknown right now, so trust your intuition to guide you.

TAURUS: This week is a fresh start for you, Taurus. You are feeling enlivened and there is a sense of ease about what’s ahead of you right now. You are recognizing that this life is meant to be fun and fulfilling and you are putting yourself and your dreams first right now. Do what feels authentic to you.

GEMINI: Open your heart to the divine mysteries of life, and know that you are loved this week, Gemini. This is a heart-centered week for you, and you are having some important conversations that are changing things for you in love. What if you could trust what’s presenting itself to you this week?

CANCER:  Give yourself time to process what you are moving through right now, Cancer. This is a week of healing, transformation, and clarity, and things may feel uncomfortable at times. It’s about protecting your energy and your peace right now, and not overthinking what needs more time to play out.

LEO:  You are feeling enlivened this week, Leo. There are things to do and people to see, and you are feeling confident in the direction you are heading in right now. You have evolved in many ways this year, and you are looking forward to another transformation coming into your life. Be courageous, Leo.

VIRGO:  This week is a big letting go for you, Virgo. You are walking into changes that are feeling unexpected, and they’re reminding you of the importance of divine timing. Some of the best miracles that can occur for you, take time to be created. Trust your timing, and follow your intuition.

LIBRA:  This week is reminding you to go easier on yourself, Libra. You are pushing a mountain, when you need to some more energy for yourself. Gather your strength, let go of what isn’t serving you, and don’t take on more than you can handle right now. This week is a big eye-opener for you, Libra.

SCORPIO:  You are feeling in tune with the changes and movements of life, and there is a sense of peace you are experiencing this week, Scorpio. Your wisdom has shown you how to be more flexible and work with what is happening, and you are owning life. This is a beautiful week for you, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS:  A new, loving opportunity is on its way to you, Sag. You are seeing light and easy energy flow into your life and your heart is feeling excited. Know that this is only the beginning for you, and you are being shown a glimpse of your future in love. Open your heart and remain positive with what is.

CAPRICORN: This week is an inspiring and hopeful week for you, Capricorn. We have the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year happening at the end of the week, and life is coming full circle for you. Trust what your intuition is telling you, and be in the spaces that feel authentic and aligned with you.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus on a new perspective, Aquarius. Don’t revert back to old ways of relating that didn’t serve you in the past, and trust that what is meant for you will be for you. You are walking away from some old energy, and finding new ways in which you feel fulfilled and happy in life.

PISCES: Trust that what you have lost in your life is being replaced with better, Pisces. You deserve to feel abundant, and you deserve to experience a new door opening after the challenges you have been through. Think with an abundant mindset, and work on creating more of it in your reality.




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