Weekly Horoscopes: Jul. 8 - Jul. 14

Weekly Horoscopes: Jul. 8 - Jul. 14

Energy of the Week:

This week is about support, strength, and divine timing. Pallas goes Direct in Scorpio at the start of the week after being Retrograde since the end of March, and this brings creative matters to the forefront, and helps us come up with concrete ideas we can better see through right now. The energy heats up a bit this week as Venus enters Leo from July 11 to August 4, and brings matters of love to thy self. Venus in Leo is all about self-love, and knowing you deserve the great love you give. Venus being in a Fire Sign for the next few weeks makes relationship matters feel more of the passion and excitement, and this is sure to be an interesting and romantic few weeks. Before the week comes to a close we have a First Quarter Moon in Libra and it's time to make some important decisions in love, and to follow through on where your heart is leading you right now. 


Jul. 9: Pallas Direct in Scorpio

Jul. 11: Venus enters Leo

Jul. 13: First Quarter Moon in Libra



Message of the Week:

ARIES: A week of self-love, self-care, and renewing your passions in store for you, Aries. An awakening is happening within your heart, and you are seeing things with a new perspective. Pleasant surprises can unfold for you this week when you can let go a little and accept the magic of what is, Aries.

TAURUS: Love is coming together for you this week, Taurus. This week for you is all about connection, balance, and unity. Unconditional love is something you have been discovering and rediscovering as of late, and you are opening up to receiving more of this loving energy into your life right now.

GEMINI: This week is a time of honoring where your energy is calling you to, Gemini. You are being reminded that you are not “too much,” and that everything you are right now is worthy of a good experience in life. Continue to follow your passions and live your dreams, and the right people will come to you.

CANCER: This week is about giving yourself some more grace, Cancer. Look at yourself with the eyes in which the universe sees you, and know how much you are loved. You are being called to rest more, to relax more, and to allow yourself to just be. It’s okay to ask for more support right now.

LEO: You are feeling good about where life is taking you right now, Leo. There are a lot of happy times ahead of you, and you know that you have a lot to look forward to right now. Remember to communicate how you are feeling this week, and allow life to reflect the good energy you feel within.

VIRGO: This week is the start of something new, Virgo. You have been in a space of healing recently, and are ready to receive some of the blessings that are coming from this intentional living. This is a week of new gifts presenting themselves, and the full picture coming into view. You deserve blessings.

LIBRA: This week is about knowing yourself, Libra. Remember that no one can define who you are but you yourself, and that you’ll know what path is best for you right now by tuning into your inner compass. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t go there. Listen to your intuition this week and trust.

SCORPIO: This week is a time of feeling in balance and in tune with where things are, Scorpio. There is good energy flowing in your life right now, and you are finding your peace. This week is reminding you to live in the present more and to enjoy the dance of life you are finding yourself in, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS: You are being called to trust your instincts and to get excited about what’s inspiring you right now, Sag. You are feeling passion for your purpose, and this is just the beginning of the opportunities that await you. Have confidence and courage with what you are bringing forth.

CAPRICORN: Open up to receiving some compassion right now, Capricorn. Know that you are doing your best, and that is acknowledged. This is a week of giving yourself some more time for healing and self-care, and being unapologetic about the boundaries you are putting in place in your life.

AQUARIUS:  This week is all about getting creative with what you are manifesting in your life right now, Aquarius. You are feeling in tune with your intentions and you are looking at the future a lot right now. Remember to appreciate the gifts of today, and continue to feel things through this week.

PISCES:  This week is an eye-opener when it comes to love, Pisces. You are gaining the clarity you have been looking for, and it’s allowing you to see what you need from your close relationships with a better lens. Remember to heal from the past, and to not bring what was, into what is right now.

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