Weekly Horoscopes: Jun. 5 - Jun. 11

Weekly Horoscopes: Jun. 5 - Jun. 11

Message of the Week: 

ARIES: Aries, this is a hopeful week for you. There is balance in your life, and you are flowing well with the energies of the week. Think about the giving and receiving in your life, what's working, what isn't, and ground your energy in what is. The seeds of intention you have been planting are ready to bloom.
TAURUS:  This is a week of opportunity for you, Taurus. Your heart is in the right place, and you are meeting some pleasant surprises this week. Emotionally, you are seeing a new beginning right now and you are eager to move forward. Remain in the present moment, be you, and expect good things this week.
GEMINI:  This week you need the most rest and relaxation you can get, Gemini. There are many different paths you can take right now, but you need some more time before making that decision. Allow yourself the freedom to decompress this week and honor your mental well-being. It's time to heal.
CANCER: Things are moving forward for you this week, Cancer. Be patient with the progress you are seeing now, but know that this is only the beginning for you. You are ready for something new this week, and you are headed in the right direction. Make plans accordingly, and don't rush your successes, Cancer.
LEO: This week is all about patience, Leo. Patience with yourself and others, and patience when it comes to gaining the clarity you are looking for right now. Check in with your soul if you are feeling like things are off this week and trust your intuition. Surround yourself with those who want the best for you.
VIRGO:  You have moved mountains, now you are reaping the rewards. This is a fruitful and grounding week for you, Virgo. You are in a powerful position, and you are owning the successes you are seeing right now. This newfound outlook on life you have is making everything more abundant and beautiful around you.
LIBRA:  Open your heart to the blessings that are coming to you this week, Libra. This week is about love, receptivity, relationships, and about feeling your feelings without judgment. There is a lot to be grateful for right now, and you are counting your blessings. Remain in your dignity, and go with the flow, Libra.
SCORPIO:  This week is all about protecting your peace and not letting life overwhelm you, Scorpio. Don't let others cloud your vision, and maintain your sense of Self and inner courage. You deserve success, and you need to believe that, Scorpio. Protect your energy, don't give up on you, and this too shall pass.
SAGITTARIUS:  You are love, you are loved, Sagittarius. This week you are feeling in tune with all that is, and with the love that is surrounding you. Partnerships, emotional growth and healing, and moving into a new level of experience here are what this week is offering you. Connect to the heart space, live freely.
CAPRICORN:  This week is about managing your time and energy in a way that benefits you and doesn't leave you feeling stretched too thin, Capricorn. You have been taking on a lot and it's time to reexamine your goals. Pluto Retro enters your sign; balance your emotions, honor change, and go where you're inspired.
AQUARIUS: This week is clearing away what no longer serves, Aquarius. You are in need of some time for healing right now, as emotions come to a head. It can feel like things are happening all at once, and you are ready to let go of the pain of the past. Find your peace in knowing a new season of life is ahead.
PISCES: Clarity is what this week is bringing for you, Pisces. You are seeing things with new eyes, and are seeing some plans come to conclusion and fruition as well. Through the change you have been moving through in life, things got more simpler for you and you can enjoy the present moment more freely.

Energy of the Week:

This week is about nurturing your world. This week is a time of finding your balance between the new beginnings you are seeing, and where you are still letting go. Venus makes it's significant transit of the year this week, and enters Leo where it will remain until October 8th. Venus in Leo is bold, passionate, enthusiastic, creative, and playful. Venus in Leo loves loud, and over the next few months will be putting the focus on passionate self-love and sharing that same energy as well. Pluto went Retrograde in Aquarius at the beginning of May, and this week moves back into Capricorn. Pluto Retrograde is an opportunity to re-examine how you have been aligning with your inner-power, and in Capricorn, being around nature and grounded places can help facilitate this. Mercury enters its home sign Gemini before the week ends, and inspiration abounds. 

JUN. 5: Venus enters Leo

JUN. 10: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

JUN. 11: Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Gemini

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