Weekly Horoscopes: Mar. 20 - Mar. 26

Weekly Horoscopes: Mar. 20 - Mar. 26

Message of the Week: 

ARIES This week is all about getting the hang of things, and about retracing your steps a bit, Aries. Your season begins this week and a New Moon in your sign happening as well is signaling major new beginnings, but don't forget to catch your breath in between. What you may have missed before, is clearer now.
TAURUS:  You are feeling the passionate, creative, and empowering energies of this week, Taurus. This week is a time of moving forward and creating new opportunities in your life. You are seeing where the work needs to be done, and where to manage your energy accordingly. Believe in your future, Taurus.
GEMINI: Remind yourself that who you are is worthy of love, Gemini. This week is all about having your own back and standing your ground. You are closing out a chapter in your life, and are almost toward your goal. Keep persevering and don't count yourself out right before it gets really good for you, Gemini.
CANCER: This week is about overcoming fears, and putting yourself in a better position, Cancer. Where have you been self-sabotaging and keeping yourself more restricted than you need to be? This week is reminding you that you are free. Free to be, free to choose, and free to move forward. Look for new doors opening.
LEO: This week is all about communication and getting your message across, Leo. You mean business this week, and you are getting done what you wanted to before. Remember to clear your mind, focus, and speak from the heart. This week is about cutting through the bs and seeing the truth of a situation.
VIRGO: You are balancing your time and energy wisely this week, Virgo. This week is all about prioritizing your well-being and flowing in sync with the universe instead of forcing anything. There is contentment with where things are and excitement for what is to come, and nothing can dim your light right now, Virgo.
LIBRA:  You are love, you are loved, Libra. This week is a coming together for you, and your heart is happy. There is emotional fulfillment, connection, and most importantly, self-love flowing through your world and you are seeing some major growth take place in your life right now. Enjoy the love in your life.
SCORPIO:  This week is all about thinking things through, then moving forward intentionally, Scorpio. Remember that this life is yours to live, and it's up to you to live it fully and wholeheartedly. Choose your battle wisely, and continue to show up as the creative and courageous being you are. Let go, move forward.
SAGITTARIUS: Take a few deep breaths, Sag. This week is a time of rest, patience, and letting things fall into place. This is your time to get some TLC, gather your strength, and take out some much-needed space to just be. Some things take time and right now, time is needed. Give yourself a break, and set new intentions.
CAPRICORN: Your heart is overflowing with love this week, Capricorn. This week is a time of emotional growth and joy, and you are enjoying the spaces you are in right now. Your relationship strengths are showing fruition and you are moving into some new territory here. Let life and love unfold for you, Capricorn.
AQUARIUS:  Some big changes are happening for you this week, and life is transforming for you in many ways, Aquarius. What you once thought was true for you holds a different meaning now, and this is a week of finding your footing again. Take as much time as you need, but don't hold onto what's falling, Aquarius.
PISCES:  Pisces Season comes to a close at the start of the week, and you are focused on what is valuable to you, and where your true priorities are right now. You are seeing things clearly, speaking your truth, and some new developments are coming to fruition for you financially right now. Plant new seeds this week, Pisces.

Energy of the Week:

This week is about self-empowerment. The week begins with the Sun moving into Aries, and Aries Season officially begins. Aries Season this year is bringing with it massive changes on a personal and collective level and is sure to shake things up. On March 21, there is a New Moon in this Fire Sign, and anything feels possible with this dynamic energy. This is a week to set your intentions and focus on a fresh start. Ceres Retrograde moves into Virgo as well until June 21 and will be Direct on May 6. This time is all about releasing insecurities and nourishing yourself with self-love, attention, and a healthy routine. On March 23rd, the biggest transits of the year happens, and that is Pluto's entry into Aquarius. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, so this is a big change happening, and with Pluto being such a powerful energy force, this change will be an impactful one on many levels. Mars then enters Cancer before the week ends after being in Gemini since August 2022, and less chaotic and impulsive energy will be prevalent for the time being.


Mar. 20: Aries Season begins

Mar. 21: New Moon in Aries

Mar. 22: Ceres Retrograde enters Virgo

Mar. 23: Pluto enters Aquarius

Mar. 25: Mars enters Cancer


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