Message of the Week:
This week is a week of discovery for you, Aries. You are unveiling new truths, and seeing something new within you. There are revelations to be had, life to be lived, and your soul is aligned with spirit. Give thanks, focus on what you are grateful for, and remember you are the gift of your life at the end of the day.
This week is about replanning and refocusing your vision. Your creativity is moving through its own process right now, and this isn't the time to doubt yourself or your progress, Taurus. New creations are being built, and it's time to focus on nurturing your intentions and allowing space for this new to grow.
There is a beautiful resonance flowing through your world this week, and this energy is one of your own creation, Gemini. You've changed a path you didn't want to be in and rewrote your story. The intentions you have been setting in your life are showing fruition as Gemini Season begins, and you are shining.
Your guidance for the week is to get back to the basics, Cancer. Take things one day at a time and focus on what you can do at the moment. Remind yourself that your rest, your home, your safe spaces, and your heart are your priority right now, and spend some time nurturing your world. Let things unfold.
Transformations have been flowing through your world, and this week is another change of pace for you, Leo. As endings appear, new beginnings do too, and you are finding the balance between these full circle moments right now. There is still so much to see and so much to know, as the light shows.
VIRGO: This week is about just being, Virgo. A change of perspective has you in the right place to receive your due blessings and the more you can trust this process you are in right now, the more you can breathe. Not all is lost, and there is magic to obtain. Hold your vision, remember your love, and just be, Virgo.
LIBRA: This week is all about finding your balance between the yin and yang, light and dark of life, Libra. You are speaking your wisdom, speaking truths, and the conversations that are being had this week are priceless. Your guidance for the week is to cut out any excess and focus on what truly matters to you.
Your strength is showing its truth, Scorpio. You are standing tall in your empowerment, and this week is reminding you of how far you have come. You have been protecting your energy and building something new for yourself, and realizing that the power has been within you this whole time, beautiful Scorpio.
This week is about finding your clarity through the chaos, Sagittarius. You are moving through any challenges that have been presenting themselves with divine inspiration, and moving beyond anything that doesn't resonate with your soul. Give yourself time to accept and process this week, Sagittarius.
You are rebuilding this week, Capricorn. What has transpired and transformed has you seeing your world with new eyes, and there are new paths opening up for you through these revelations. Connect the dots this week and move forward on the path that feels the most nourishing, exciting, and like you.
This is a week of moving full speed ahead, Aquarius. You've got the green light on what you have been hoping to see through to fruition, and new ideas and inspirations are coming to form. You haven't given up on your goals, yourself, and your life; and have continued to show up for what matters to you, Aquarius.
This week is a new beginning and a settling all at once, Pisces. As emotions flow from here to there, remind yourself of your true intentions, and who you are at the core of you. It's easy to get lost in the different motions of life, and you are being guided this week to find your way, make your space, and heal.
Energy of the Week:
This week is about letting transformation become through love, and about rewriting your story. This week begins tethering between a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, and we are entering the week with a little less emotional baggage. The Lunar Eclipse is a time of endings, culmination, and a time of gaining your clarity of it all in the process. Gemini Season begins this week, changing the pace of things and bringing in some excitement and curiosity in the world after a more steady and serious Taurus Season. Mercury Retrograde moves out of Gemini and into Taurus before the week ends; signifying this balancing effect we are navigating right now between our foundation and what grounds us, and what inspires and lifts us up. Trust where you are being guided towards this week.
May 16: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May 20: Gemini Season begins
May 22: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces
May 22: Mercury Retrograde enters Taurus