Message of the Week:
Listen to your heart, Aries. This week is a time of moving from one emotional experience to another. Know that you have the power and the strength to move out of anything that doesn't sit right with your heart and that when you can focus on the compassion and love you have for yourself, you are free.
TAURUS: This week is all about tapping into your divinity, Taurus. You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are worthy. Think about what type of you that you have been expressing to the world, and the impression you want to leave on others. Your power of attraction is strong right now, and everything you need is here.
GEMINI: This week is all about balancing the mind and the heart, Gemini. Giving too much energy to either or can leave you feeling off-center, and this week is about finding your synergy again. Some big ideas have been coming through for you, but remember to flow with your creativity and not force anything.
CANCER: This week is all about fortune moving in your favor, and things turning around for the better for you, Cancer. Many different pieces of the puzzle have been coming together for you, and you are claiming your blessings right now. Remember to not make things more complicated than they need to be, and live.
This week is all about connecting to and healing the inner child, Leo. You have been on a journey of discovery this year, and have been learning so much more about yourself. The gifts you have found within, are shining without, and this week is a good time to encourage yourself and commit more to self-love, Leo. VIRGO:
You are the gem, Virgo. This week is reminding you of that truth. When things get confusing, and life gets hectic, there is still one truth that remains; and that is the beauty of your existence. The gifts you bring to others and to your life are worth noting, and the more you can recognize this, the better.
LIBRA: This week is a time of crossing the bridge of peace and meeting in the middle with another, Libra. Divine support is coming into your life this week and you are able to do more than you could before. Look at your experiences as divine miracles, and know that the universe is always supporting you and where you go.
SCORPIO: You are on top of it this week, Scorpio. This week is a reminder of the divine power you hold as a creator of your life, and that you have so much empowerment and love to share with the world. You are moving into some important experiences this week, and this is the time to bet on yourself, Scorpio.
SAGITTARIUS: Divine clarity is coming into your world this week, Sagittarius. The revelations that are appearing for you now are changing things for you moving forward, but these are things that have needed to be said. Take what resonates, let go of the past, and look forward to what you can create in your future, Sag.
This is an inspiring week for you, Capricorn. Everything is coming together, and it's coming to fruition through your dedication, your unique vision, and most importantly- your heart. This week is all about letting truth free, abundance live, and about dancing to the beat of your own drum.
AQUARIUS: This week is about honoring your emotions and what you are feeling right now, Aquarius. Don't be afraid of big feelings, let them be, and you will see how quickly they flow and teach you something new. There are gifts in the unknown and there are gifts in experiencing something greater than yourself. Feel.
The great thing about a blank canvas is that you are given complete freedom to create, Pisces. This is the type of energy you are in right now, a completely new slate, meaning completely new opportunities for you. Instead of focusing too much on what isn't there, bring your attention to what can be.
Energy of the Week:
This week is all about coming together to create something new. With a First Quarter Moon in Water Sign Pisces this week, this is a time to move forward, bet on yourself, and remove obstacles from your life with love. Clarity is coming in this week with Neptune moving out of Retrograde and going direct, and the vision is clear. Now that Neptune is direct, fantasy becomes a reality, and the facades drop. There is an opportunity to create something new through the clear vision that is appearing now, and this week is a time of letting go of the past and envisioning a new day. Reach for the stars, and claim your blessings this week.
Nov. 30: Pallas Retrograde in Cancer
First Quarter Moon in Pisces