Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 14 - Oct. 20

Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 14 - Oct. 20

Energy of the Week:

This week is about patience, protecting your energy, and communicating from the heart. This week we have a Supermoon in Aries, which is the Hunter's Moon of the year. This Supermoon is a big culmination, and a time of letting go of what doesn't align with your personal empowerment, goals, and perspectives. October is a month of change, and this Full Moon is when a lot of this change is felt. On the same day, Venus enters Sagittarius until Nov. 11, and love is exciting, adventurous, and insightful while in this Fire Sign. Relationship matters are requiring a little more emotional freedom, but overall this is a transit of finding your joy in love. Overall, this week is redirecting the energy, and protecting what you have created for yourself in the process.

Oct. 17: Supermoon in Aries

Venus enters Sagittarius


Message of the Week:

ARIES: This week is a big letting go period for you, Aries. We have a Supermoon in your sign this week, and you are moving through some culminations that are bringing you closure. This time in your life is about taking care of your mental health, seeking inner guidance, and not letting your worries overpower your strengths. You will move forward.

TAURUS: You are moving into a space of expansion, hope, and intention this week, Taurus. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain right now, and new paths are opening up for you. Take your wisdom, resources, and passions, and move into your new day. You deserve the fresh starts that you are seeking in your life right now, Taurus.

GEMINI: This week, life is coming full circle, and you are letting go of the past, Gemini. You are moving through a space of personal transformation, and nothing is what it was. Through the endings, closures, and rebirth you are experiencing now, your heartfelt intentions can bloom. Get inspired by the changes you are moving into now.

CANCER: Protect your energy, trust your instincts, and secure that which you have created for yourself, Cancer. This week is about not letting anyone else’s perspectives or projections get you into a mental and emotional state that you don’t want to be in. Remember your strength, pay attention to your energy, and validate yourself through self-love.

LEO: This week is about making sure you are communicating clearly, and choosing your battles wisely, Leo. Not everything and everyone is worth your time or your energy, and if someone doesn’t understand your perspective, than they aren’t meant to. Trust yourself and what you know, and connect with people who get you.

VIRGO: This is a week of clarity, inspiration, and introspection, Virgo. You are seeing things clearly right now and are feeling a coming together happen in your world. This year you have grown so much mentally, that it’s allowed you to feel better about so many other areas of your life. You have shown yourself that you are the key to your dreams./

LIBRA: This week is a time of dedicating yourself to what matters, Libra. This is a good time to learn something new, take care of your responsibilities, and put in the work towards your dreams. You have the right tools and skillset to succeed right now, and it’s all about strengthening things here. Know that the seeds you have planted are in bloom.

SCORPIO: It’s time to listen to your heart, and trust that you can make the best decisions for yourself, Scorpio. You have been at a standstill and concerned about making the best choices, however, making no choice is a choice in itself. Take some time to journal, meditate, ask for guidance, and clear things up in your life. Align your heart and mind.

SAGITTARIUS: This week is asking you to look at things from a different perspective, Sagittarius. You have been focusing too much on what doesn’t serve you or your emotional world, and it’s time to consider your heart more. Let go of what you cannot change, and trust that whatever is meant to be, will not pass you by. This week is a turning point.

CAPRICORN: This week is about taking care of yourself mentally and spiritually, Capricorn. You are in a space of contemplation, and need some more time away for yourself right now. You do so much for so many people, but sometimes you can forget that your own mind and soul need you as well. Pay attention to where you are being called to this week.

AQUARIUS: Communication matters are highlighted for you this week, and you are saying the things you have been wanting to say, Aquarius. You are stepping forward into your personal power, speaking with conviction, and are feeling more clear-headed than you have recently. One spark of an idea, is leading you to success this week.

PISCES: Trust your intuition, protect your energy, and know that what is making you happy and fulfilled right now, is meant for you, Pisces. This is a week of life coming full circle, and you having a moment of gratitude and recognition for your deep insight. You are healing, creating, communicating, and are in-tune this week.

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