Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 21 - Oct. 27

Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 21 - Oct. 27

Energy of the Week:

This week is about new beginnings, intention, and passion. Scorpio Season begins this week, and we enter Water Sign energy. This Scorpio Season is bringing in the magic, and we have a lot of passion, invigoration, and perspective to look forward to right now. Mid-week we have a Last Quarter Moon in Leo, and we are in a space of moving into one phase of life, into the next. This is an important week of closing one chapter and beginning another, and you can find your balance in the present moment. Before the week ends, Vesta enters Libra, and there is a sense of harmony and connection being built at this time.


Oct. 22: Scorpio Season begins

Oct. 24: Last Quarter Moon in Leo

Oct. 26: Vesta enters Libra




Message of the Week:

ARIES: You have the right perspective this week, Aries. You have grown in wisdom recently, and you are being guided by your own internal compass. There is so much life ahead of you, and this week is about acceptance, trust, and faith. Trust that you have seen what you needed to see, and that you know what to do and what is right for you.

TAURUS: This week is a lift off, and you are moving forward with full speed, Taurus. You are feeling confident, brave, and optimistic, and you have a lot to look forward to right now. This is a week of showing up, putting yourself out there, and doing what makes you happy. Your intentions are manifesting in your reality, and you are free to be.

GEMINI: This week is all about perspective, Gemini. You see the vision, but action to back it up is needed at this time. Focus on the path ahead rather than the doubts or naysayers that take you away from your inspiration. There are mountains that may still need to be climbed, but remember this is your life to live and your life to create.

CANCER: Perspective is everything this week, and it’s time to see yourself with eyes of love, Cancer. You have been letting your mind overrule your heart, and more balance is needed right now. If you can give yourself a break to process, heal, and regroup, you will find that a lot of your concerns were fears that needed to be released.

LEO: This week is all about listening to the guidance of your soul, and not letting yourself become overwhelmed by the changes you are moving through and the perspectives that are shifting for you right now. Take a look at some of your attachments this week and see if they have been serving your mental health or hindering.

VIRGO: This week is about holding your own, and not letting anything get in the way of your peace, Virgo. Don’t let anyone take away the joy you feel or the progress you have made, and protect your energy from those who don’t get you. Other people’s projections don’t define who you are, and it’s time to honor yourself and your success.

LIBRA: Communication breakthroughs are happening for you this week, and it’s giving you some peace of mind. Even though Libra Season comes to an end, you are feeling more clear-headed than you have been, and it’s helping you rise above the chaos of the past. This week is about communicating effectively, and trusting yourself, Libra.

SCORPIO: This week is all about feeling things through, turning a new page, and healing emotionally, Scorpio. Scorpio Season officially begins this week, and you are ready to shine, create new opportunities for yourself, and receive some new love in your life. There is a coming together happening for you this week, and magic is blooming.

SAGITTARIUS: This is a week of working on taking things slower, releasing some burdens, and prioritizing your energy, Sagittarius. You may have overcommitted yourself recently, and it’s time to lay everything out and really decide what you can do and what you don’t have the time to. Your peace is important- make it so this week, Sag.

CAPRICORN: Not all is lost, and you have so much to gain right now, Capricorn. This is a week of allowing your emotions to guide you to the clarity you are looking for right now, and to trust that all is well in your world. Find power in your mind and refocus your thoughts to the things that serve, rather than the things that bring you down. You are loved.

AQUARIUS: You are moving away from some shaky waters, and are moving into some new stable energy this week, Aquarius. This week is about asking yourself what you need, and moving yourself forward into that. You are not the same person you were, and therefore you cannot entertain the same things either. Ask your heart what you need.


PISCES: This week is a new development for you financially, and you are thriving in your comfort spaces, Pisces. This week is about asking for the things you want, and creating space to receive them. You are in a place of success, abundance, and recognition, and some much-deserved gifts are coming into your life this week. Own it!

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