Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 7 - Oct. 13

Weekly Horoscopes: Oct. 7 - Oct. 13

Energy of the Week:

This week is about balance, love, and support. We are in the midst of Libra Season, and there is a coming together of the mind and the heart this week. Jupiter goes Retrograde in Gemini mid-week, bringing old blessings or intentions back around for another experience and perspective. We have a First Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Oct. 10, and this is a good time to take action on the intentions you have been setting, and to see some of your personal plans through. Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn the following day, even further enhancing the energy of empowerment, positive change, support, and direction this week. Mercury enters Scorpio at the end of the week and this brings an intuitive, emotional, and in-depth vibe into communication matters. Overall, a lot is happening and a lot of things are changing this week, but they are bringing you closer to your goals and to love.


Oct. 9: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini

Oct. 10: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Oct. 11: Pluto Direct in Capricorn

Oct. 13: Mercury enters Scorpio



Message of the Week:

ARIES: This week is about trusting yourself and your path more, Aries. You have been overworking your mind and creating situations for yourself that don’t serve you. If you can let go of the self-doubts and fears this week, you can see the truth of what you are worthy of. Use this week to take care of yourself, let go of mental restrictions, and be free.

TAURUS: This week is a fresh start that you have been looking for, Taurus. You are on the brink of something great, and your plans are all coming together for you right now. Look to the future with optimism and faith, and trust that where you are going right now is better than where you have been. The power is in your hands, trust that this week.

GEMINI: Your confidence is beaming and your courageous soul is serving you well this week, Gemini. This week is about putting the crown on top of your head and owning who you are. You are coming into some personal successes this week, and have support and abundance surrounding you. Find your balance with it all, and be brave this week.

CANCER: You have the right perspective, and you are gaining some new truths right now, Cancer. Communication is key this week, as you navigate the conversations you want to have and the ideas you want to get across. Remember to find balance within your head and your heart, and to communicate from love. No need to rush things.

LEO: This week is a time of getting to the bottom of your emotional world and the things you have been feeling internally conflicted over, Leo. If you knew everything would turn out better than expected, what would you do and what would you choose? This week is about getting the full picture, and trusting yourself and your decisions.

VIRGO: All is well in your world, and your patience has served you well, Virgo. This week is about nurturing yourself, your life, and the seeds you have planted, and watching your dreams come to fruition. The self-love you have gained can be felt from miles away, and you are living in your peace and abundance. You deserve to feel loved, Virgo.

LIBRA: This is a week of big changes and even bigger moments of growth, Libra. You are being forced to look at things from a different perspective right now, and divine intervention is here to put you in a better place. Trust that what you are letting go of this week is meant to be, and that better is on the way to you. Flow with this change.

SCORPIO: This week is about trusting that your inspirations will take you far, and that you have the right tools and resources to intentionally see things through, Scorpio. Remember to take your time within communication matters, connect with your heart, and be careful with impulsiveness. This week is creating breakthroughs in your life, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS: You are juggling a lot right now, and your guidance for the week is to find your balance, Sagittarius. Make a list of priorities and let go of the things that are out of your control or out of your physical and emotional capacity right now. You deserve to check-in and ask yourself what you want and need right now, and be there for yourself.

CAPRICORN: You are seeing the vision right now, Capricorn. This week is about creating new plans, putting things into place, and trusting where your passions are calling you to right now. One idea can lead to so many others doors that open for you, and this is a good week to get inspired and manifest. There is a renewal and an empowerment here this week.

AQUARIUS: This week you are entering full speed with a lot to do and a lot of plans to see through, Aquarius. You are feeling confident and courageous about where you are headed right now, and success is evident for you this week. New doors are opening for you and new experiences await, your hope in it all is creating a spark of life for you.

PISCES: This week is about letting go unhealthy attachments or habits that don’t serve, and focusing on your emotional well-being, Pisces. You have been feeling confined in your circumstances but you always have the power to choose what is right for you and who is right for you. This week is an emotional renewal and you are ready for a change.

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