Message of the Week:
ARIES: This week you have your eyes set towards the future and what you are trying to create in your life right now, Aries. This is an inspiring time for you, and with a Supermoon in your sign this week- give yourself some extra patience and support. You are bringing things to fruition, get excited about every step there.
TAURUS: This week is all about understanding yourself and your intentions better, Taurus. You are feeling pulled in a few different directions right now, center yourself and remind yourself what is most important to you. It’s time to let go of forcing what’s meant to grow in it’s own time, and to trust.
GEMINI: Take care of yourself, your health, and your well-being this week, Gemini. This week is addressing where you may be entertaining some unhealthy habits and where you can grow stronger in love. Release restrictions that keep you in a state of fear, and believe that you have the power to overcome.
CANCER: Transformations are occurring, and it’s better to flow with change rather than fight it right now, Cancer. Perspectives are changing, new clarity is being gained, and you will recover from this. You are worthy of the whole world, and things are moving around so that you can really live in that fact.
LEO: This is a fulfilling week for you, Leo. You are free to enjoy and take pleasure in the abundance that is opening up to you now, and although it feels like you are coming full circle right now, you are really just getting started. Open the door to your happiness, and light your way through your time of harvest.
VIRGO: You are magic, Virgo. You have come to some important revelations, and it’s helped you see yourself a little bit better as well. This week is about trusting your process, speaking up, and being you freely. You are wearing your crown, communicating your vision, and owning your space, wise soul.
LIBRA: Libra, this week is about working together with others and creating something beautiful in the world. The puzzles of the pieces are coming together for you, and with a Supermoon in your Sister Sign at the end of the week, you are really feeling your love, abundance, and achievement in life come to fruition.
SCORPIO: This week is all about stability and success, Scorpio. You are walking on steady ground with what you have created and manifested in your life, and there is support surrounding you. Connect to loved ones, focus on your happiness, and enjoy where you are right now. Your time of harvest is here, Scorpio.
SAGITTARIUS: A spark of enlightenment is reaching you this week, Sagittarius. This week is an activating and empowering week for you, but also a week when you are being forced to face some truths you may have missed before. Find your power in the truth, and seek balance in your life. You are protected.
CAPRICORN: This week is nudging you to take more time out to rest, renew, and mentally heal. You need some space to settle in with the change of energy that has taken place in your life, and it’s time to protect your energy a little bit more right now, Capricorn. Ground yourself in the present, and listen to your intuition.
AQUARIUS: This week is about creating solutions in your life, Aquarius. There is a sense of feeling stuck in some areas of life in which you feel like you should be in a more independent space. Give yourself time to figure it all out, and trust that you will. Sometimes restriction is protection, remember that.
PISCES: Things are turning around for you for the better this week, Pisces. This is a week of seeing yourself and your life in a higher light, and feeling a new sense of confidence in yourself.. The sky is clearing and you are being given more space to be. As seasons change, so does opportunity- welcome them in.
Energy of the Week:
This week is about fulfillment. Life is coming full circle, and there are a lot of fruitful moments to tap into. The Moon is in Aquarius as the week begins, and insights are flowing in, as is passion for the future. The Moon moves into Pisces mid-week, and emotions and divine intuition are more heightened until the end of the week. On September 29, the last Super Moon of 2023 comes in, and this is also the Harvest Moon of the year. Being in Fire Sign Aries, you can expect some extra passion and energy this week- but you can also see dreams come to fruition, clarity prevail, and more attention on your personal desires. Things are growing and stabilizing this week, and it's an exciting time for things to come full circle.
Sep. 29: Super Harvest Moon in Aries
1 comment
My Leo son, 21, said these are always so spot on for him. ♌️ 🦁 ❤️