Weekly Horoscope: Apr. 25 - May 1

Weekly Horoscope: Apr. 25 - May 1

Message of the Week:  ARIES:  This is a week of harmony and dancing to the beat of your own drum, Aries. There is connection and love in the air for...

Weekly Horoscope: Apr. 25 - May 1

Message of the Week:  ARIES:  This is a week of harmony and dancing to the beat of your own drum, Aries. There is connection and love in the air for...

Weekly Horoscope: Mar. 28 - Apr. 3

Weekly Horoscope: Mar. 28 - Apr. 3

Message of the Week:  ARIES: Tap into your inner source of abundance, grace, and growth this week, Aries. The manifestations of your intentions are blooming in your world, and you are...

Weekly Horoscope: Mar. 28 - Apr. 3

Message of the Week:  ARIES: Tap into your inner source of abundance, grace, and growth this week, Aries. The manifestations of your intentions are blooming in your world, and you are...

Weekly Horoscope: Jan. 31 - Feb. 6

Weekly Horoscope: Jan. 31 - Feb. 6

Energy of the Week:  This week is a time of manifestation. This is a powerful week for setting your intentions and paving new paths. Do not fear the unknown, rather get...

Weekly Horoscope: Jan. 31 - Feb. 6

Energy of the Week:  This week is a time of manifestation. This is a powerful week for setting your intentions and paving new paths. Do not fear the unknown, rather get...

Weekly Horoscope: Dec. 27 - Jan. 2

Weekly Horoscope: Dec. 27 - Jan. 2

ARIES: There is a coming together happening within your emotional world this week, Aries. Love is around you and you are maintaining your balance. This week is about the gifts that...

Weekly Horoscope: Dec. 27 - Jan. 2

ARIES: There is a coming together happening within your emotional world this week, Aries. Love is around you and you are maintaining your balance. This week is about the gifts that...

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio is today, and transformations are flowing through the world. This New Moon is a time of emotions coming to the surface, healing, and personal empowerment. New...

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio is today, and transformations are flowing through the world. This New Moon is a time of emotions coming to the surface, healing, and personal empowerment. New...